Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Film Industry Assessment: Learner Response :)

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

WWW: A superb assessment showing excellent knowledge of the text. Keep up the good work! 

EBI: For full marks for Q3, you need a little more focus and discussion of the theory (Hesmondhalgh) and industry contexts e.g. companies, funding, etc. 

16/18- A 

2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the number of marks you achieved for the three questions: _/3; _/6; _/9. If you didn't achieve full marks in a question, write a bullet point on what you may have missed.

Q1: 3/3

Q2: 6/6

Q3: 7/9- I didn't achieve full marks on this question because I didn't focus on Hesmondhalgh's theory as much as I should have when I should have linked it to industry contexts 

3) For Question 2 on the promotion of Blinded By The Light, use the mark scheme to identify at least one strategy used to promote the film that you didn't mention in your answer and why it was used. The key lesson from this question was to make specific reference to the CSP in your answer.

For Q2, I could have mentioned the Sundance Film Festival in which 'Blinded By The Light' was bought by New Line Cinema at an all night auction which may have created buzz by building and sharing critical acclaim from reviews, industry figures, etc

4) Now look at Question 3 - focusing on Hesmondhalgh's point that making media products is a 'risky business'. Write three bullet points from the mark scheme that you could have added to your answer. Try and include a specific reference to the CSP where you can and ensure you understand the key contexts to Hesmondhalgh's quote.

  • New technology is opening new ways to distribute films- 'Blinded By The Light' is on Amazon Prime and this has been done in order to bring in some of the money that was lost from the loss at the box office. This is a prime example of how cultural industries are a "risky business" because there will have to be other methods to earn money that was lost during the initial release of the product 
  • Some industry figures suggested that the film was released too closely to a film with a similar story ('Yesterday') and this could reduce the success of 'Blinded By The Light' because people don't want to watch a movie similar to one they have just watched 
  • Unfortunately, despite good reviews and positive word-of-mouth and 89% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it only pulled in $18 million at the box office and this barely covered the production budget and covered nowhere near the marketing costs (which could have cost millions) so this shows that cultural industries are a "risky business" because there was no anticipation that the movie would be as unsuccessful as it was 

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